5 Wild Theories About The Moon

2 years ago

People have been asking questions about the moon since the dawn of humanity. Some of the earliest calendars were made by hunter-gatherers who carved the phases of the moon into bone trinkets. Today, many modern scientists believe that there is nothing new to learn about the moon, and all of its mysteries have already been solved.

Truth be told, there’s a lot about the moon that doesn’t really make sense. In many ways, the moon represents the most compelling conspiracy theory of them all, and it’s been staring us right in the face for the entirety of human history.

Luna holds numerous secrets. The dark side of the moon is a complete unknown for many of us, as it never faces the Earth. Ancient people were entranced by it, and formed mysterious cults to worship moon gods like Artemis, Diana, and Thoth. It’s a well-documented fact that when there’s a full moon, crime rates soar.

But what exactly is so strange about the moon?

Why has this dead space rock led to so many wild theories over the years? And are any of these theories true?

00:00 Intro
02:36 Theory 1 - Hollow Moon
04:36 Theory 2 - Moon Hit The Earth
06:11 Theory 3 - Artificial Moon
09:11 Theory 4 - Moon Bases
11:54 Theory 5 - Staged Landing

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