Art Tatum - Hallelujah 1939 (Classic Jazz / Superfast Harlem Stride Piano Synthesia) [BlueBlackJazz]

2 years ago

Hallelujah by Art Tatum

Transcribed by Paul Marcorelles from
check out the transcription:

And of course check out his site for all available transcriptions:
Original recording:

Arthur Tatum Jr. was an American jazz pianist.

Tatum grew up in Toledo, Ohio, where he began playing professionally and had his own radio program, rebroadcast nationwide, while still in his teens. He left Toledo in 1932 and had residencies as a solo pianist at clubs in major urban centers including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Throughout his career, Tatum also played for long periods at night in after-hours venues – at which he was often more spontaneous and creative than in his paid-for performances – and drank enormous quantities of alcohol. Although drinking did not negatively affect his playing, it did damage his health. In the 1940s, Tatum led a commercially successful trio for a short time and began playing in more formal jazz concert settings, including at Norman Granz-produced Jazz at the Philharmonic events. Granz recorded Tatum extensively in solo and small group formats in the mid-1950s, with the last session occurring only two months before the pianist's death from uremia at the age of 47.

Tatum is widely regarded as one of the greatest jazz pianists. His playing encompassed everything that had come before, added great harmonic and rhythmic imagination and complexity, and was often at very high speed. He extended what was considered possible in jazz piano and established new ground in jazz more broadly through innovative use of reharmonization, voicing, and bitonality.

This video quote:
"Look, you come in here tomorrow, and anything you do with your right hand I'll do with my left." - Art Tatum

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