Eyes On The Stars January 7th 2023 Cancer Full Moon

2 years ago

Hi Everyone,

Here we go first full moon of 2023, in emotional Cancer; expect the tear to flow, the emotions to rise, and the feeling to come to the surface, ready to be articulate and finally addressed with the promise of healing and finally moving beyond the entrapped pain hidden within our cells.
Take it easy; mercury is still retrograde, so we are clearing and cleaning up things; it's not necessarily the time to launch anything, best to wait until we have mercury and mars go direct; both are currently retrograde. Both will be direct by 19th January 2023.

Take baths, cleanse your energy, eat light meals, and allow yourself to process all that rises up; this will really assist you in clearing the path forward to create the new vision of yourself, that self you sincerely wish to embody in the future. so much has passed, and we have had to face so much that it's natural to wonder who we are now and what our dream is for ourselves now?
So with this full moon, allow the release, and now you really are healing even if it doesn’t feel that way; we are leaving so much behind us, yet still so much to discover as we move forward; if you feel empty, allow the empty space, trust it will be filled with newer reality, the key is trust and patience, knowing all is not lost, for as we begin to see over time, we find we actually gained more than we thought we initially lost.

Be well, be kind, and always keep an open mind and heart.
Peace and Love

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