What a 3000 part base looks like in No Man's Sky

2 years ago

In the epic space-faring game called "No Man's Sky" there is a 3,000 base part limit when you construct bases on planets. You can exceed this 3,000 part limit but you can no longer "upload" your base if you do. So I decided to build this base to the limit, using only the available in-game items. Hopefully it helps others to understand just how much you can do with a base, which is a lot!

This base is by no means fancy schmancy, and lots of people are far more imaginative than I am when it comes to architecture and decor, but I am actually still proud of myself even if it is a simple design!

As you'll notice, my base is right at my Settlement. How did I do this? Easily. I had to make my base the 300 plus units away (or whatever it was), so I dropped it as near as I could to the Settlement. And because HG implemented the ability to move your base computer, I just kept moving it as far as I could each time, closer to the Settlement, until I got to where you see it on the video. I probably could have gone right to the center of the Settlement if I'd wanted, but I didn't try that, as I was happy where I was. Only drawback is you can't manipulate terrain on a Settlement, even if your base is there, so build everything above ground.

Anyway, I managed to get those couple of houses in there - one more for personal use and one more for visitors. Then a neat and functional garage. Lastly, I got a nice little hotel built. My original vision was to have 20 floors, but I hit the 3,000 piece limit at five. Darnit! Lol. I had to keep deleting other stuff in order to keep tweaking the important stuff - for example, I had the entire Settlement paved with the cement flooring. Lol. But I got all of the light decorations put up around the Settlement, so that even when I deleted the paving, it was easy to tell where the "paths" were. I also had a glass tunnel going all the way to my underwater building with my sub, so I deleted all that and just used portals. And then I just polished as best I could.

So there you have it: What a typical 3,000 part base looks like in No Man's Sky, and I do think it's beautiful! I like hanging out there!

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