You May Have A Narcissistic Mother WATCH THIS VIDEO

1 year ago

Are you wondering if your mother might be a narcissist? Here are 10 signs that you may be dealing with a narcissistic mother:

She puts her own needs above yours. A narcissistic mother may neglect her children's needs and wants in favor of her own.
She belittles or criticizes you constantly. A narcissistic mother may use criticism as a way to control or manipulate her children.
She plays favorites. A narcissistic mother may show favoritism to one child over the others, causing feelings of inadequacy and resentment among siblings.
She undermines your accomplishments. A narcissistic mother may downplay or diminish your achievements, even going so far as to take credit for them herself.
She controls your decisions. A narcissistic mother may try to control every aspect of your life, from what you wear to who you hang out with.
She manipulates you with guilt. A narcissistic mother may use guilt as a way to get what she wants, making you feel responsible for her emotions or problems.
She is overly concerned with her own appearance. A narcissistic mother may prioritize her own looks and image over the well-being of her family.
She is unwilling to admit fault. A narcissistic mother may refuse to take responsibility for her actions, blaming others or making excuses for her behavior.
She is emotionally distant. A narcissistic mother may have difficulty expressing genuine love and affection, and may seem emotionally distant or cold.
She lacks empathy. A narcissistic mother may be unable to put herself in others' shoes and may be unwilling to consider their feelings.
If you recognize these behaviors in your mother, it's important to remember that it's not your fault and that you are not alone. Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can help you navigate this difficult dynamic and learn healthy ways to cope.

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