2 years ago

Its hard to describe what this one is about. I guess its just more of me finding out what life is like now post mental illness, post child death, post Y2K, post trust in authority, post defeat. It is a journey that I am on, not knowing where I am going to, and so sometimes what I have to say doesn't need to be listened to as much as it needs to be said.

Having said that, though, I realize that you are here listening, and so for that I am grateful, and honored. If it were not for you, people who are prepared to accept me as I am, warts and all, then I would have given up long ago. But I had cheerleaders, you, and you cheer me on and keep me accountable.

I am not alone. There are many many other wounded people. I know that they are healing too, and I am hoping that some of those who are looking for guidance or inspiration, may stumble across these videos and find something that could possible benefit you in some way. You are not alone. We are all here trying to limp our way to the finish line.

Reach out if you would like to talk more. There are many of us and we understand.


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