JFK files. Zapruder film showed the actual JFK

2 years ago

the disastrous Zapruder Film (European/French Duplicate) HD, settled, slow Moed, show concurrent matched up headshots, remembering one detonating for influence shot that hit the harmony adoring presidents head. Watch in twofold speed for approx genuine reel time speed! The reality alone, that various types of Projectiles were being used, demonstrates that more than one weapon was discharged. On June 4, 1963, an Official declaration, Leader Request 11110, was endorsed with the position to fundamentally begin, striping the FED (National Bank) of the influence to credit cash to the US Government at Premium. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy proclaimed that the exclusive Central Bank would before long be bankrupt. This would have been the beginning of getting back to the central government, the Sacred influence to make and issue Cash without going through the Central Bank and paying Revenue for it, which carried the world to all the depts in any case. However, President Kennedy was fiercely killed on November 22, 1963 and the US Notes, he just had given, were not generally created and the ones that fell under the control of Banks were removed from course. So JFKs Chief Request 11110 wasn't executed any longer after his passing.

The death of JFK was an admonition to all future

presidents not to meddle... It appears to be extremely obvious that Kennedy tested the "powers that exist behind the U.S. what's more, most other Goverments". With genuine energetic boldness, JFK strikingly confronted the best vehicles that have at any point been utilized to drive up obligation, and make Doh, for the trivial few, simultaneously:

- His demonstrated endeavors to have all U.S. troops out of Vietnam by 1965

- joined with Chief Request 11110 would have, in long haul obliterated the benefits and control of the Central Bank and the Domain behind it. ..Rothchild

- Atomic fighting including: JFK didn't permit Israel

to foster Atomic Weapons. LBJ switched this U.S. strategy, when he became president."

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