East Bay Dragons MC: What You Need To Know About One Of California's Most notorious Motorcycle Clubs

2 years ago

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After constant harassment and profiling from the local police, Founder Tobie Gene Levingston had considered disbanding the car club. Long time friend Sonny Barger. suggested he switch the club from a car club to a motorcycle club because bikes were more discreet than cars, easier to maintain and cheaper to work on. After following the recommendation of Barger, The East Bay Dragons officially became a motorcycle club in 1959. In addition to trouble with the Oakland Police Department, at that time the idea of sustaining a car club became difficult. Many working class and working poor black families could not afford more than one car per household and Dragons members were no exception. Many club members could only have access to the family car either during the weekends or late at night.

Motorcycles were more practical because they were not depended on by an entire household. In 1959, and even well into the sixties, although there were two Harley Davidson dealerships in Oakland, no dealership in the Bay Area would sell bikes to black customers. All the original founding members had to buy used bikes. This was far more affordable as new bikes cost around $500 yet a used Harley Davidson could be bought for as little as $30.

Prior to the East Bay Dragons, the only other black outlaw motorcycle club in the Bay Area was the now defunct Fillmore based Frisco Rattlers.

Along with the Chosen Few MC and Los Angeles Defiant Ones MC, the East Bay Dragons are one of the oldest surviving predominantly black motorcycle clubs founded in California, (the LA Defiant Ones were founded two years earlier in 1957). The East Bay Dragons, LA Defiant Ones and Outcast MC (founded 1969),[9] are the oldest surviving all black motorcycle clubs requiring members to only ride American made motorcycles.

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