Harald Kautz on Revolution Radio (2019)

2 years ago

Source: https://youtu.be/kuSMFBF23mU

Adventures of a Ferral Hippy - Harald Kautz is vintage firehorse (chinese sodiac sign), a generation which Chinese emperors used to wipe out by sword directly after birth for political survival. However, instead of going into politics, he started a scientific "career" involving geology, physics, math, media management and mass psychology, becoming one of the few surviving polymaths in our rationalized world. In 2012, he entered public awareness with some staggering scientific analysis of the chemtrail-related fallout, identifying three generations of transhumanistic technologies meant to assimilate our nervous system, our consciousness (aka DNA light communication) and the piezo-electricity-based system responsible for nonlocal interaction, i.e. the part of our body that give us the gift of empathy and connects us to the collective morphogenesis. From there, he got involved into medicine, trying to fix the damage done, most of it mistaken as old age and life style disease. Apart from the hardcore-scientific approach, he managed to connect the dots to the earliest mythologies, placing our modern drama within the frame of the biblical deterioration from paradise, that according to his research marks the beginning of the transhumanistic experiment that today aims at transforming our species into a sociopathic army of bio-robots. Unlike others, he manages to unite spirituality and science without losing himself in contradictions. His main contributions in this context are the scientific understanding of black goo, the function of the arcs of the covenant, and the bio-physics behind the black magic traditions.

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