Harald Kautz-Vella: Alien Terraforming Agenda (2018)

1 year ago

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0UGz4a9pN6Bu/

Marco Gray (Dimensions TV) - The alien terraforming agenda: Engineered mass poisoning and remedies for conscious humans. Harald Kautz-Vella will talk to us about his experiences and research: From the lies of peak oil and “no-fossil” fuel to the AI alien black goo, Harald will discuss this black alien nanotech outbreak and substances absorbing all of human consciousness via the transhumanist agenda and its DNA degenerative program. Can environmental medicine heal mankind amidst this dark era crippled with viruses issued from military labs? Will the AI infection swallow and digest all of human soul intelligence, or will we be sent back to oblivion after a new Atlantean flooding cycle, and a possible reset for our civilization? We will cover many topics, among which: the energies behind the Kundalini snake, the dangers of 5G, earth-based and alien black goos, Tesla, Morgellons, ruling bloodlines, the Blue Avians, psychotronics, the demonic agenda, the demiurge, and cleansing solutions.

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