BEN BIKMAN 1a | classic | LDL: innocent! check insulin & triglycerides/HDL ratio

1 year ago
presents episode 660| Dr Ben Bikman
Keto Connect podcast

Insulin opens doors in cells
so glucose comes from the blood
into those cells...
lowering glucose & insulin
Insulin has an effect on
every cell in the body...

muscle & fat cells: take in energy
every cell: what to do with
amino acides

Tragedy... for decades
glucose is normal
so, clinic says "no problem"
in reality,
insulin is climbing every year

Tragedy... for decades
resistance is growing, but
insulin is working well enough
only when maximal resistance reached
& glucose keeps climbing
then it is discovered

Insulin Resistance:
-chronic EXCESS insulin
-insulin no longer effective

Insulin is 5 times higher than
it ought to be...
that is a red flag!
so, look at triglycerides & HDL:
triglycerides / HDL
if less than 1.5 you are doing well


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