Looks like my cat has ear mites... but not the normal kind, of course.

2 years ago

Harvest mites, also known as chiggers, are tiny red mites that belong to the Trombiculidae family. They are found in many parts of the world, and are most active during the summer and fall months. These mites are very small, and are usually only visible with a magnifying glass. They are found in tall grass and weeds, and are often found in gardens, fields, and forests.

Harvest mites feed on the skin of animals and humans, and can cause intense itching and redness. When a harvest mite bites a person or animal, it injects its saliva into the skin. This saliva contains enzymes that dissolve the skin cells, which the mite then feeds on. The bite site becomes red and inflamed, and can cause intense itching.

To prevent exposure to harvest mites, it is recommended to avoid walking through tall grass or weeds, and to wear protective clothing, such as long pants and socks, when working in areas where these mites are known to be present. If you do come into contact with harvest mites, applying a cream or lotion containing hydrocortisone can help to relieve the itching. Additionally, taking a hot bath or shower and scrubbing the affected area with soap and water can help to remove any remaining mites and alleviate the itching.

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