Acts 15 Paul Surfaces, Antioch, and Persecution

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Hi folks,

The plot thickens as Gentile believers begin to dominate the church. This was not expected by the Jewish believers and they are scrambling to understand what God is doing. They are not sure on the status of Gentile believers, but it will become clear through Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, Peter, and James. While there is still confusion today, the Scriptures are not confused. Jew and Gentile are now being united in one new man, the church, which is the body of Christ. Satan tried to stop this early on, but he was unsuccessful. His strategy shifted to trying to discredit God's future purpose for Israel. Most of Christendom has fallen for the lie that the church has replaced Israel or is Israel or is spiritual Israel or an extension of Israel, and thereby nullified God's national promises to the believing element = future nation of Israel in the millennial Messianic kingdom. That is a position that is antagonistic to God, His word, His faithfulness, and His promises. The plan of God is not that complicated if one just reads his word as the Antiochenes did (school of literal interpretation was set up in Antioch) and not allegorically as the Alexandrians did. So much is at stake in theology. It impacts how you thing geopolitically. Important chapters tonight. See if you can follow what God is doing. I'll try to guide the way exegetically.

See the two attachments.

Grace to you,


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