From Communist China to Freedom in America | Cathy Kiang

1 year ago

I’m excited to share my family’s journey from living in communist China to achieving the American Dream. One side of my family came from wealth, and the other from poverty.

Like many families that had fled from communism, mine escaped China to find freedom and the opportunity to prosper in America. Unfortunately, the country they sacrificed everything to flee to is now becoming the country they had fled from.

In 1992, 55% of Asian Americans voted for conservative values, which embrace individual liberties, the free-market, meritocratic systems and limited government. In 2020, the number that voted for those values had decreased by almost half.

The very schools that parents work hard to send their children to are brainwashing students to become victims and to hate the country that offers individuals the greatest freedom to have equal opportunities.

We have turned people to hate America, to become divided based on skin color, weakened our nation and the enemies have infiltrated. Much of this is a result of our lack of willingness to fight for our liberties and freedoms.

Our goal at Asians for Liberty is to shed light on these false narratives, to help the Asian community understand the necessity of liberty and fight back to claim the America they had fled to for freedom.

I hope you will join us on this journey together. You can support Asians for Liberty by listening and subscribing to our podcast or by making a tax-deductible donation at

-Cathy Kiang

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