This piece of shit scumbag celebrity wants you to be jobless and arrested for being unvaccinated

1 year ago

Let's start off my first video of 2023 with a video of someone who deserves to die. Sean Penn, you fucking shill. Look at him shaming the unvaccinated, saying that the unvaccinated deserve to be locked up and deprived of their own livelihoods for refusing to get vaccinated. As if you even got vaccinated yourself. He knows it's poison. All hollywood celebrities do. He pretends to be vaccinated but we all know he's not. Some celebrities did die from the vax but the vast majority will never take it but will always try to influence people to take it themselves. That's the script that was given to them from the elites of the government. They are all unvaccinated themselves. They want everyone who isn't them, whom they see as a "peasant" to take the vax and die already for the great reset. These psychopaths hate you. No worries, though, because I hate them all. I want to kill all of them Every. Single. One. They all deserve to die for participating in this genocide against humanity.

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