Trans Hormone Divisions | Neil deGrasse Tyson

2 years ago

Hormone classes for fairness?

Dr Tony Huge and Straight Cody give you their thoughts on Tysons' Trans Athletes suggestions. It's only natural to discuss the Thailand lady boy and relationship experience while on this subject. Warning, this is NOT PC.

Let us know your thoughts! Do you think this would be a fair way to class athletes?

00:00 Disadvantages
03:57 Hormones before puberty
07:12 Trans sports
11:55 Hormone sensitivity
13:26 Tysons’ thoughts
14:33 Test levels
19:21 Genetic advantage
20:55 Range categories
21:56 Other hormones
23:03 Social pressure
24:05 Chemists
24:54 female sex drive
27:04 Natural relationship
27:33 Threesomes
28:29 Thai Dating
30:13 Gratitude
32:52 Jealousy
35:57 Western v asian girls
39:29 Hot girls

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