Pilots in the Sky and Athletes in the field Operation MRNA is unfolding right before our eyes

1 year ago

Pilots in the Sky and Athletes in the field Operation Mike Romeo November Alfa.
Iran Navy on the move. China crisis with non transparent government. There is an elephant in the room non of us can talk about and it was just witnessed on live television Buffalo Bills vs Cincinnati Bangles (NFL) with a professional athlete Hamlin suffering a cardiac arrest at the age of 24. Putin arms the Zircon on his navy. Heads up. What is the Zircon? Questions by Chris Sanders of the American News Network - Zalinsky attacks Russia and now expects a huge response. Go figure? What do you expect. US Airbase in Syria is hit. Another US base challenged under the Jack Wagon administration. All of Europe has lost faith in Biden as has America. Xi keeps hold of his China through lock downs and virus fear tactic government control. The US will follow in in actions to keep an out of control government in power. The Republicants still can't get a Speaker of the House. Try Rand Paul or Jim Jordan and call it a day.

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