TEASER for 2022 Explained Narrative Control

1 year ago

It’s only day 4 of 2023 and we’re already seeing how 2022 was only a preview of what’s to come. It’s going to be rough!

And with each passing moment, it is clear that denial is no longer an option. People will have to face the truth, no matter how terrifying or painful it is to process.

As you step into the reality of our world, know you are not alone. And as they would say in the X-Files, “The Truth is Out There.”

Your challenge in 2023 will be to train your mind to see it. And you can. I promise.

In this 2022 Explained: Part 1 - Narrative Control, you will learn the fundamental concepts covered in Chapter 1 of The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare: Introduction to 5GW written by General Michael Flynn (retired) and Sergeant Boone Cutler (retired) of the US Army. Then I’ll apply these concepts to the top 25 themes relating to Narrative Control that we experienced in the last 12 months.

Highlights include JFK’s assassination, the use of language to deceive and manipulate the masses, the actions taken to weaponize and legitimatize control of messaging, the wrench that was thrown into the worldwide PSYOP thanks to Elon purchasing Twitter, and lastly, the many discoveries, dot connections and calls for censorship on a global scale.

Part 2, released in the next 2-3 weeks, will focus on the mental whiplash inducing narratives experienced relating to Cultural Decay. This will cover moves made to dismantle our sovereignty and way of life through actions like gun control, open borders, abortion, stolen elections, and the destruction of gender.

Part 3 will focus on the children including the push to normalize gender mutilation surgery, pedophilia, and more.

Part 4 will focus on the moves to program the people to accept the New World Order, specifically through Ukraine and Covid.

Part 5 will focus on the reality that we are already living in the New World Order with the emphasis on the remaining moves that still threaten humanity. This will cover a myriad of crises through the lens of the Hegelian Dialectic including the energy crisis, climate crisis, food crisis, health crisis, and more. The sad reality is you, yes you, are indeed the carbon they want to reduce.

Our only way forward is civil disobedience and speaking truth at all times. But, you have to take the time to learn the truth. No matter what.

Be well and God Bless!
Dr. Deprogram
Substack: America Rebooted / Dr. Deprogram
Twitter: @RebootedAmerica
Telegram: Deprogram Your Mind & Digital Soldiers Digest
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