Female Mystique ~ Mtsar (Dragon Mother) books

2 years ago

Soul Eraser ~ Mtsar (Female Mystique)

"The sincere student is soon able to answer the great question, posed by Freud: what is it that women want?
"In amazement they’ll learn that most women have no idea what they want, or who they are. For the most part, it’s a case of mystique, a fascinating phenomenon most men know nothing about."
- Mtsar (Dark Mother Divine) article


"Undertaking such an investigation inevitably means looking into the mother-child relationship and phenomenon of “motherhood.” It demands examining the most taboo subject there is – Matrophobia. It’s a road leading to the nature and influence of the so-called Terrible Mother, the chief source of all human pathology." - Mtsar (Dark Mother Divine) article

"Women need waste no time pondering their psychology. It's totally unnecessary. Men don't make it an issue, and know nothing about it, so why crimp the action? Let the infatuation with domestic and social pursuits continue. Let the good times roll." - Mtsar (Dark Mother Divine) article


Dying Light 1 theme

Credit footage to tribe of Men

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