1 Week to Fluency! Update after 5 Weeks Learning Portuguese

1 year ago

The challenge “Fluent in 6 Weeks” is coming to an end; I should have reached fluency by the end of next week. In this video, I show you what I have been up to for the last 7 days so as to achieve that goal, as well as what my next steps are going to be.
In the video, you will also find a relatively long section of my Portuguese lessons, so that you can judge by yourselves what level I have attained thus far. I also compiled some of the mistakes I have made during my classes.

00:00 Intro

00:25 What I Have Done

3:19 Excerpts of my Portuguese Lessons

3:20 Summarizing a text about living alone I just read in the class
4:09 The writer posits that living alone and loneliness are related. Would you deem this to be true?
5:00 Why do you think that the amount of people living alone has increased in the last years?
5:35 What might be the features of someone who decides to live alone?
6:12 Do you think that there are many people living alone in Germany or in Berlin?
6:29 Why don’t you follow the news?
6:48 What types of jobs would you say that are more likely to do night night shifts?

7:09 Summarizing the content of a video about decision fatigue I just watched
8:08 What is the decision fatigue?
8:37 How can you fight the decision fatigue?
10:03 What would you say are one of the most important attributes an alpinist can learn in his career?
10:59 Apart from rock climbing, what other sports would you also deem to be very demanding?

11:29 Mistakes compilation

11:30 A) When I just do not know the words
11:55 B) When my pronunciation is not accurate
12:23 C) When I get the verb conjugations wrong!
13:03 D) When the other languages get in the way
13:30 E) Or when I make basic mistakes… deplorable!

13:58 Upcoming Goals - The Week Ahead

15:26 Speaking in Brazilian - The Portuguese King Flees to Rio!

Fluent in 3 Months? - Polyglot Starts Learning 9th Language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFHDEOWx-_w&t=19s

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🙋🏼‍♂️ WHO AM I:
I’m Julian, a YouTuber, Polyglot, Consultant, and Failed Musician working in Berlin, Germany. I make videos about language learning.

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from ;).

Brazilian Portuguese, Polyglot, Language Challenge, Language Learning, Fluent in 3 Months

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