Barbell Seated Good Mornings - Progressions

2 years ago

Seated Barbell Good Mornings (Progressions)

Using an incline bench, start at a steep enough incline where your chest can make contact when you fold at the hips. This may require some experimentation before choosing the perfect height. Once you have chosen the proper height, put a barbell in a low-bar position on your traps so it doesn’t roll onto your neck at the bottom. Sit facing the backrest of the bench with your knees pushed out. Fold at the hips trying to sit your hips back as you bring your chest and chin forward until your chest makes contact on the bench. Using your back muscles extend your back until you are upright again.

Trainer Tips:

Either in the same session, or over time, lower the height until you have the strength and mobility to rest your chest flat on the bench. After this you can sit at the end of the bench facing the opposite way to be able to go below the bar. Although we want to keep the back as straight as possible, slight rounding is the lower back is normal and expected at first.

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