Who is Latah County District Judge John C. Judge? Idaho v. Kohberger - Attorney analysis

2 years ago

It goes without saying that one of the most influential figures in the case of Idaho v. Bryan Kohberger will be the judge. So who is he? In this case, it's easy to figure out because there is only one option, and just from his name alone, you might think he was born for this moment. We take a look at Judge Judge's experience and his record in court to see what it might tell us about his temperament and how he'll handle the case.

00:00 Intro
00:25 How we know who the presiding judge will be
02:38 Looking at his experience on the bench
04:13 As a lawyer, Judge Judge did some private criminal defense work, quite successfully
06:31 But this case is so far outside everyone's experience - how will he do on the fly?
08:00 From his record, he doesn't look like a stereotypical "hanging judge"
10:57 The parties can disqualify the judge for no reason, but I don't think they will here
12:51 He's also the administrative judge for the Second District - what does that mean?
15:39 My takeaway: I'm optimistic about Judge Judge

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