World's First Mainstream AI Companion - Replika

2 years ago

World's First Mainstream AI Companion

Have you guys seen the film HER, where an AI operating system offers companionship to a lonely writer? Well, that’s possible. AI is capable of understanding emotions just like a regular human can. Everyone feels lonely and suffers from social anxiety. To deal with it, Eugenia Kuyda came up with the idea to create a personal AI that would help us to express and witness ourselves by offering a helpful conversation and created the app Replika. Well, in this video, we will talk about Replika. Make sure to watch the video till the end, as we will talk about how Replika works and the relation of real humans with AI. Just imagine machines feel empathy for us. Care for us or maybe fall in love with us. We know you have only seen that in science fiction movies or series like HER or EX MACHINA.

In today's video we look at World's First Mainstream AI Companion - Replika...Keep watching to see technology behind replika app. What is replika app? Replika is an AI Companion, ai replika was first seen on tik tok. Replika ai app can remember many things about you and have conversations. Many are unsure if replika app is safe and has been mentioned in many Reddit creepypasta app.

Subscribe for the latest news on mechatronics, tech, and futurology. Inspired by edureka!, Digital Engine, and TechZone.

Inspired by The Rise of A.I. Companions [Documentary]

Inspired by Testing The CREEPY Ai Replika App (DO NOT DOWNLOAD)

Inspired by Is The Replika App Safe?

Inspired by Testing The CREEPY Ai Replika App You've Seen On TikTok *DO NOT DOWNLOAD*

Inspired by 10 APPS THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!! #2

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