"Was It the Jabs?" and Other Questions We're Not Supposed to Ask

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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

This quote, often misattributed to George Orwell, perfectly encapsulates what we're experiencing today in the United States of America. Suppression of the truth has already been in place in many countries across the globe, but America has always stood out as a beacon of free speech in which we're allowed to be wrong, we're allowed to have opinions, and most importantly we're allowed to ask crucial questions even if they make people uncomfortable.

Today, that's simply no longer the case. We are told by Big Tech censors that asking those questions will put our online status in jeopardy. We are told by our own government that asking those questions means we're probably domestic terrorists. We're not told anything by corporate media because they won't ask the questions and refuse to allow anyone on who might slip up to go on-air. America has become a post-truth society. 2023 is a time of universal deceit.

Following Damar Hamlin's on-field heart attack, many of us wanted to know if he was vaccinated and if so when he last took a dose. It's a fair question considering the masses of athletes who have succumbed to cardiovascular ailments over the last two years. As Dr. Peter McCullough explained to Tucker Carlson, his European study demonstrated an exponential increase in young and otherwise healthy athletes collapsing and often dying after being jabbed.

I had a Twitter rant of my own after getting many direct messages calling for me to stand down on my questions about Hamlin's vaccination status. Sadly, it's okay to ask someone their vaccine status if they want to go out for lunch but apparently it's taboo to ask when a 24-year-old athlete has a heart attack on the field.

"To anyone who gets offended that I'd wonder if the jabs had anything to do with a 24-year-old Damar Hamlin having a heart attack, your opinion doesn't matter to me."

"We are constantly attacked, suppressed, banned, censored, ridiculed, and vilified for being concerned that there has been an undeniable rise in young and otherwise healthy people collapsing and often dying. And yes, many of us believe it was the experimental injections."

"I have no agenda other than the truth. If the jabs are safe and the adverse reactions are just coincidences, great! I'd love for that to be the case. If the jabs are not safe, then they must be halted."

"I WANT to be wrong about the jabs. Many people I know and love have been jabbed. But my job is to read every headline in a feed of over 250 news outlets every day and I can tell you with a certainty that young people weren't collapsing or dying in '19 or '20 like they are today."

On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I will discuss why asking "Was it the jabs?" has become forbidden in American society despite more people becoming aware of the risks associated with the experimental injections. I will also cover several stories that highlight our shift away from the truth on multiple fronts.

Today's show is sponsored by the good folks helping people get antibiotics shipped to their door: https://jdrucker.com/meds

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