DID WE GO 0-16? | Madden NFL 06 Cupcake Franchise Ep. 1 Y1 Sim

1 year ago

I am going to be using the exact same rules that Mr. Hurriicane used for his Austin Venom series on Madden 09.

-Teams must be custom made with a cupcake roster template.
-No trading allowed (For team progression balance)
-In Year 1, no signings are allowed except for injury replacements. These replacements must be the lowest rated players at their position.
-Following the first year, new players may be signed from Free Agency, with restrictions. Once a tier has been reached, it is unlocked forever.
0 wins - No signings
1-4 wins - 0-69 overall (roster fillers)
5-7 wins - 70-75 overall (backup caliber players)
8-9 wins - 76-80 overall (potential starters)
10+ wins - No Restrictions
Playoff berth of any kind - No Restrictions

Contract Rules
For a greater challenge, long term contracts can’t be offered to low rated players you plan to develop. Long term contracts are reserved for higher rated players. A cheap 7 year contract for a young player is too much of a shortcut.

-FA Under 80 overall: 3 years or less
-FA 80 overall or higher: No limit
-Drafted rookies: 4 years or less

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Madden 23 Falcons Franchise Series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6zMoWT-BlI&list=PLJ4S-Wi_LLGOatEDGaPnZvwj3XDP9qBPI
NBA 2K23 Wizards MyNBA Series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJFeMPOlgI&list=PLJ4S-Wi_LLGOXZjDtt7CYWCUGggJI7Znq
Axis Football 2023 Nighthawks Franchise Series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7CY0ro_zCo&list=PLJ4S-Wi_LLGMmjsHhuHzhNQIQ5kbAXukd

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