Season 3-Episode-1-Part-2 Died Suddenly Interview with Lt Col Doctor Pete Chambers

2 years ago

Season 3-Episode-1- Died Suddenly Interview with Lt Col Doctor Pete Chambers

Doc Pete Chambers






Dan Rudy

Doc Chambers

Dan r <>

Tue, Jan 3 at 8:33 PM

Dr. Peter Chambers, a 37-year combat veteran, having previous worked as a Special Operations Surgeon for the Green Berets.

Doc Pete Chambers grew up in rural America. His first job at 11 years old was cleaning horse stalls. He grew up the son of an immigrant father who became a small town doctor and small ranch owner. Life's lessons were abundant and Doc's "Look For Work" ethos was engrained.

Doc joined the army in 1983 and has served either Active Duty, the Army Reserves or Army National Guard for a total of 37 years. After his first Honorable Discharge he had a break in service to complete college and medical school. He currently serves as a Special Operations Surgeon and Green Beret in the Texas National Guard.

He is a Graduate of the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, class of 1995. He completed a residency and then worked as a rural Emergency Medicine physician. He as also served as a commissioned Deputy Sheriff and a SWAT team medic and operator.

After the United States was attacked on 9/11 he returned to the US Army Special Forces. Note: Doc was at Ground Zero shortly after the Twin Towers fell. His experiences those three days after would mold his fortitude to go to work. At age 45 he was chosen the first physician to attend the Special Forces Qualification Course from Selection through to the culmination exercise, Robin Sage. He graduated the Special Forces Qualification Course at 47 years of age, earning the coveted Green Beret.

He has served on multiple Special Forces combat deployments and has been awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star Medal, and the Combat Medical Badge. His last deployment with Special Forces was completed in January of 2020. He is a member of a Special Operations Detachment in the Texas National Guard

From Doc Pete Chambers



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