Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Swings

2 years ago

Place a dumbbell perpendicular to your body between your feet in a sumo type stance. Grab the dumbbell with your arm, swing it back slightly between your hips for some starting momentum before using your core and arm strength to swing the weight all the way towards the ceiling until it is in the overhead position with your body completely straight. Keeping the arm locked, lower the weight and start the descent of your swing while you sit your hips back until the weight is below you and you are fully hinged at the hips. Drive the hips forward and the arm straight up to bring the weight back to the overhead position. Unlike a kettlebell swing, we are pausing at the top to make sure we can stabilize the weight in the overhead position. When you are done with your last rep and the weight is overhead, grab the weight with both hands and deadlift it back safely to the floor. Switch arms.

Trainer Tip: This is a very advanced exercise and puts a lot of stress on the low back due to the long lever arm of the straight arm. Utilize your hips and glutes as much as possible here to avoid injury. Keep your spine as straight as possible.

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