Warnings, apocalyptic Wars and Pestilences... Purification of Earth and Humanity ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 55-1

1 year ago

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The Third Testament Chapter 55… The Purification of the Earth and Humanity in the Judgment – Revelations of Jesus Christ

The Warning Voice of God and Nature before the Judgment
Thus saith the Lord…

1. I have said that a very great ordealdraws nearer to mankind, so great that in all the history of its centuries and ages, it has not had any comparison.

2. Now you must understand that I am speaking to the heart of all of you. I am allowing My messages and warnings to reach you in many ways, in order for men to meditate and to awaken to My Law, like the prudent virgins of My parable.

3. Will the peoples and the different nations of the world listen to Me? Will this people, to whom I am manifesting Myself in this manner, listen to Me? Only I know, but My responsibility as a Father is to put all the means for their salvation along My children’s path. (24, 80 – 81)

4. Verily I say to you that if at this period men do not cleanse the blemishes that they have left in their spirit, the elements will come as heralds announcing My justice and My glory and purifying mankind of all impurity.

5. Blessed are the men, women and children who upon realizing the proximity of that justice, glorify My name, sensing that the day of the Lord has arrived, because their heart will tell them that the end of the reign of evil draws near. I say to you that these people, through their faith, their hope and their good deeds, will be saved, but how many of those who live during those days are going to blaspheme! (64, 67 – 68)

6. The paradise of the first people became a valley of tears, and now it is a mere valley of blood. That is why today when I have come to fulfill the promise that I made to My disciples, I awaken mankind from their lethargy, giving them My teachings of love to save them, and I seek the spirits who are destined to arise during this period to give testimony of My manifestation and My word with their deeds.

7. When those chosen by Me find themselves reunited round My Law, the earth and the stars will be shaken and in the sky there will be signs, because at that instant the voice of the Divine Spirit, surrounded by the spirits of the just, of the prophets and the martyrs, will judge the spiritual and material realms. (26, 43 – 44)

8. Many peoples have fallen to the depths of the abyss of materialism, and others are yet to succumb; the pain of their fall, however, shall wake them from their deep slumber.

9. Those are the nations that after a period of splendor tumbled into the abyss to sink into the darkness of pain, vice, and misery. Now, it is not a people, but all of humanity that runs blindly towards [spiritual] death and confusion.

10. The arrogance of the peoples shall be touched by My justice; remember Nineveh, Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Carthage; in them you will find profound lessons of the Divine justice.

11. When men, upon grasping the scepter, have allowed their hearts to fill with impiety, pride, and insane passions, dragging their peoples into degeneration, My justice has come to remove them from power.

12. At the same time, however, I have ignited a torch before them to illuminate the road of salvation for the spirit. What would become of men if in the moment of their trials I abandoned them to their own devices? (105, 45 – 47)

13. From precipice to precipice man has descended spiritually to the point of denying Me and forgetting Me, even to the extreme of denying himself and disowning his essence, which is his spirit.

14. Only My mercy can allow men to avoid the pain of having to retrace the road to return to Me; only I, in My love, shall know how to put in the way of My children the means for them to encounter the path of salvation. (173, 21 – 22)

15. The day the waters ceased to cover the earth, I caused the rainbow of peace to shine in the heavens as a sign of the pact God had established with men.

16. I tell you now, you humanity of the Third Era, that you are the same ones who passed through those ordeals in which you were purified. You are soon to experience new chaos.

17. But I come to prevent the people instructed by Me and humanity in general, to whom I have made Myself known in this time. Listen, My children: Here is the ark; enter, I invite you.

18. For you, oh Israel, the ark is the practice of My Law, and all who fulfill My commandments in the most perilous and bitter days will find themselves within the ark, strong and feeling protected by the mantle of My love.

19. And to all this humanity I say again: The ark is My Law of love, all who practice love and charity with their fellow man and with themselves will be saved. (302, 17 – 18)

20. I have always given you time to prepare, and apportioned the means for your salvation. Before sending you My justice to receive an accounting from you at the end of an Era or phase, I have shown you My love, warning you, and exhorted you to repentance, reform, and the good.

21. Nonetheless, at the hour of justice, I have never presented Myself to ask if you have yet repented, or if you have prepared yourselves, or whether you remain still submerged in disobedience and evil.

22. My justice has arrived at the appointed time, and He who has known to build his ark on time has been saved; while He who responded with ridicule, and did nothing for his salvation when the hour of justice was announced, had to perish.(323, 51)

The Power of Evil shall be broken

23. Until now it has not been human love which has dominated the world; it has been, as it was from the beginning of mankind, human power which reigns and conquers. The one who has loved has become the victim of evil.

24. Evil has extended its kingdom and has been strong on earth, and it is precisely in this time that I bring My weapons to oppose these powers so that My Kingdom of love and justice may be established among men.

25. But before My Kingdom is established, I will have to battle evil, for it is necessary that I wage war and destroy all evil to give you the peace of My Spirit. (33, 32 – 33)

26. Men will come to the end of their own path and return along the same way, reaping the fruit of all they have sown. That is the only manner in which they will truly repent, for without recognizing their faults, they can do nothing to correct their errors.

27. A new world is in preparation. The new generations are about to arrive, but before that occurs, it is necessary to separate the hungry wolves so that they do not prey on the sheep. (46, 65 – 66)

28. An immaterial leprosy has extended throughout the earth, it eats away the hearts and destroys the faith and the virtue. Men are covered with spiritual rags; they know that no one is able to discover those miseries because human beings cannot see beyond what is physical.

29. But the hour of the conscience approaches; it is the same as if you would say that the day of the Lord or His judgment is about to take place. Then shame will rise in some and remorse in others.

30. Those who listen to that inner voice, burning and inflexible, will feel within them a fire that devours, which exterminates and purifies. The sinner cannot resist that fire of justice or anything which is not pure. Only the spirit is able to resist it because He is endowed with a Divine strength; therefore when He has passed through the fire of his conscience, He will have to come out cleansed of his errors. (82, 58 – 59)

31. All the pain caused by men will be brought together in one single cup which will be drunk by those who originally caused it, and those who have never been moved by pain, will tremble in spirit and flesh. (141, 73)

32. It is necessary that for an instant the heavens be closed to all, and that they reopen only when from the earth comes up one single cry, recognizing that the Father of all beings is one only.

33. I tell you truly, I shall submit this fratricidal and selfish world to judgment, and I shall purify it until I see that love and light spring forth from it, and that those who today lead their peoples to the abyss, those who today sow and propagate vices, those who have created a reign of injustice, shall be those to whom I give it to battle the temptations, destroy the perversities, and uproot the tree of evil. (151, 14 and 69)

34. Man, making use of his free will, has so twisted the road as to forget from whom He originated, and has gone to the extreme of considering virtue, love, goodness, peace, and brotherhood to be alien to his nature, while seeing selfishness, vice, and sin as completely natural and legitimate.

35. The new Sodom is all over the earth, and a new purification is necessary. The good seed shall be rescued, and with it a new humanity will be formed. My seed shall fall upon fertile soil watered by the tears of repentance, and it shall grow in the hearts of future generations that know how to offer the Lord a higher worship. (161, 21 – 22)

36. I shall permit the hand of man to carry out destruction, death, and war, but only to a certain point; beyond that limit, the depravity, the obfuscation, and the ambition of men shall not pass.

37. That is when My scythe shall come and with wisdom reap according to My will, for My scythe is of life, of love, and of true justice. But as for you, people: Pray and keep vigil. (345, 91)

38. Yesterday the earth was a vale of tears, now it is a valley of blood; tomorrow, what shall it be? A field of smoking ruins over which passed the flames of justice, exterminating sin and striking down the pride of loveless men because they have forgotten the spirit.

39. And so the merchants of science will be driven from the temple of wisdom because they profaned the truth and enriched themselves with the light. (315, 61 – 62)

40. The great nations rise up proclaiming their might, menacing the world with their weapons and boasting of their intelligence and their science, not realizing how fragile is the false world they have created, for a small touch of My justice shall be sufficient to make that artificial world disappear.

41. It shall be the hand of man which destroys his own works, it shall be his own mind that invents the means of exterminating what He first created.

42. I shall cause to remain standing only those human works that have brought healthy fruits to men, so that they may continue being cultivated for the good of future generations; all dedicated to perverse or selfish ends, however, shall be destroyed by the fire of My inexorable justice.

43. Upon the ruins created and destroyed by a materialistic humanity, a new world shall arise, whose foundations shall be in experience, and which will have as its purpose the ideal of spiritual elevation. (315, 55 – 56)

Apocalyptic Wars, Pests, Plagues, and Destruction

44. You are living in times of anguish in which men purify themselves by enduring great suffering. But those who have analyzed the prophecies already knew that the moment was soon to come, that moment in which wars would break out everywhere as nations began to reject one another.

45. Still to come are the strange illnesses and epidemics which will appear among humanity and will confuse the scientists. And when pain reaches its peak in men, they will still have the strength to shout: It is punishment from God! But I do not punish. It is you who punish yourselves by disregarding the laws which govern your spirit and physical body.

46. Who has unleashed and provoked the forces of nature if not the foolishness of men? Who has defied My laws? It is the men of science, in their arrogance. But verily I say to you, this pain will serve to pull out the bad weed which has grown in the heart of humanity.

47. Fields will be covered with the dead. The innocent will also perish. Some will die by fire, others by hunger, and others by war. The earth will tremble, the elements will be moved, lava will flow from the mountains, and the seas will become turbulent.

48. I will allow men to take their perversity to a limit, to where their free will allows them, in order that, horrified by their own work, they might feel true repentance in their spirits. (35, 22 – 26)

49. The tree of scientific knowledge will be greatly shaken by the fury of the elements of nature, and humanity will receive the fruits from that fall. Who, other than man, will be responsible for causing the elements of nature to become unleashed?

50. It is fine that the earliest beings knew pain for the purpose of awakening them to reality and causing them to be born to the light of the conscience, and to obey the Law. But why does the evolved, conscious, and developed man of this time profane the Tree of Life? (288, 28)

51. Epidemics will fall upon the world, strange and rare diseases before which science will be impotent, and a great part of humanity will perish.

52. The universe will be cleansed of its weeds. My justice shall separate out the selfishness, the hatred, and the tireless ambition. Great phenomena of nature will appear.

53. Nations will be swept away and lands will disappear. This will serve as a warning bell for your hearts.

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