Heels Elevated Barbell Front Squats

2 years ago

Set the J-hooks at about chest height and load up the barbell with the appropriate weight. Place 2 plates or slant boards at our squat width where your heels will be when you squat. Approach the bar and put your pointer fingers and middle fingers on the bar about shoulder width apart or wider. The better shoulder and wrist mobility you have you can use 3 fingers or even 4. Flip your elbows through and pick up the barbell keeping your elbows high with the bar resting near your collar bones. The bar may press slightly on your neck and there should be some discomfort here until you get used to the front rack position. Keeping your core tight and torso upright, squat down to full depth imagining you are sitting down in an invisible chair. Push through the heels until you are standing up completely. Squeeze the glutes and abs at the top.

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