Holloman Air Force Base UFO Landing 1974 Footage

1 year ago

There has been a long debate on the missing video footages of the UFO captured by the military aircrafts’ gun cameras on encounter, reported by pilots. Not a single media house has ever written about it. Where did all gun camera footage disappear? There is a rumor about the US government granting actual UFO landing footage to the filmmaker Robert Emenegger for his documentary on the years of the UFO phenomenon. It all began in 1971 when the author/filmmaker Robert Emenegger and producer/director Allan Sandler were invited by the US intelligence (either the United States Air Force or Department of Defence) to Norton Air Force Base in California to discuss the major UFO phenomenon that had happened before and create a documentary film on it. There is no official record of the reason why the US government allowed to give secret UFO footage for a documentary film. It is believed that the administration of President Nixon did it to look strong in the science field for the upcoming 1972 re-election campaign. Artistic representation of UFO landing at the Holloman base with pronounced nose alien visitors in New Mexico, 1971 After months of research and film production, Emenegger felt cheated after the permission of using real footage was withdrawn. Anyway, he released his Golden Globe-nominated documentary, “UFOs: Past, Present, and Future” in 1974. It turned out to be groundbreaking due to the information provided by the DoD. The USAF forced Emenegger to add the animated footage of the alleged Holloman UFO landing. As per Emenegger, the alleged real landing footage was not fully missing from the frames. He said some frames from the original footage were used in the reconstruction during the editing stage, which was authorized by the USAF. The viewers spotted a genuine bright disc coming down slowly in the distance against the backdrop of Holloman’s surrounding landscape.

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