The Whole Picture: The Heart of the New Covenant

1 year ago

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Bruce S. Bertram from The Word of God Ministries and has found out that many Christians say that they live by the New Covenant and not the Old. But most of these new covenant Christians do not know what the New Covenant says or where it's at in the Bible. This video covers both of these subjects and the Heart of the New Covenant.

The new covenant goes all the way back to the beginning when you realize that loving God and doing what He says has been His goal from Genesis. The heart of the new covenant is God's Law written on a new heart of flesh. The Law was delivered by Moses, but it is not the word of Moses. It is the Word of God. It has been made into a scary thing by some, but when written on a heart of flesh it is anything but scary. Contrary to what you have probably heard, the Bible doesn't say the Law is scary. Or hard, old, outdated, a curse, or beyond our ability. Those are teachings of men. The teachings of His Word, or Law, are a reflection of God's character, and include mercy, justice, truth, instruction, love and life.

Every word from God's mouth is Law, and life giving. Even those words that have punishment in them are designed to encourage life. Death is what happens when we turn away from His words of life (or Law). He is the source of life, so when we ignore any part of His word, or His Law, by that much we separate ourselves from life. We have to be completely connected to life in order to get the full effect. The measure we use is the measure that is used on us (Matthew 7:2; Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38).

The new part of the new covenant is the heart, not the Word. "New" is the heart, "covenant" is the Law. Through the sacrifice of the Christ, believers trade in old hearts of stone for new creations. Our new heart is soft and responsive to God's every thought. As the pagans move further away from the Word, believers need to move closer. We want to be heart to heart with God (1 John 5:1-12).

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