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FILDEBRANDT: 2023 will be the pivotal year for Alberta

2 years ago

"2022 saw the fall of Jason Kenney, and with it his government's policies of repeated lockdowns and mandates — and it seems, his bark-more-than bite policy toward Ottawa."... READ MORE: https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/fildebrandt-2023-will-be-the-pivotal-year-for-alberta/article_58f93798-80a0-11ed-8428-5b7a7558b525.html

#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #westernstandard


  • 0/2000
  • Communism, you can vote your way in, but you have to shoot your way out. NDP are commies. UPC are globalists in disguise. the Uniparty has to be exposed, not even sure anymore what the PPC is. Elections in Canada have been rigged for decades , prove me wrong.

  • Please slow down the slides!

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  • Notly needs to be disappeared 🫥. What a hag. A little reminder Satan always eats his own. You devil globalists are headed down down down.

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