Abducted son of murdered couple found dead in a river in Ogun State.

1 year ago

Abducted son of murdered couple found dead in a river in Ogun State.

Corpse of Oreoluwa Fatinoye, son of the couple allegedly assassinated on the New Year day in Abeokuta, Ogun State, has been recovered from a river.

The deceased was reportedly murdered & thrown into a river along the Adigbe – Obada road in Abeokuta, after he was kidnapped by the assailants who murdered his parents.

The couple, Kehinde & Bukola Fatinoye reportedly dead during the incident that occurred at their residence located within the Ibara GRA, Abeokuta. It was reported that the incident occurred shortly after the couple returned from Cross Over Service to usher in the New Year.

The wife was a worker at the FUNAAB while the husband was a staff of CBN. However, the decomposing body of Oreoluwa was discovered floating on the river by fishermen on Tuesday morning.

Oreoluwa and the housemaid were reportedly kidnapped by the assailants and the two were later thrown into a river along Adigbe – Obada area of the town.

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