Why is Kevin Samuels dead and not Andrew Tate? Romania secret prison Bright Light and the CIA.

2 years ago

#kevinsamuels #andrewtate #2023

Kevin Samuels and Andrew Tate have become household names and reached their height in 2022. Primarily during the pandemic. It is now 2023 and Kevin Samuels is dead and Andrew Tate was recently arrested. Was Kevin Samuels death of natural causes or was it foul play? Is Andrew Tate a man of the people fighting the Matrix or is he a sophisticated Matrix agent Smith put in front of us to take away from the growing movement of men empowering themselves to maintain their masculinity and fight the feminizing agenda of manhood.

In this video we raise those questions by looking at where Andrew Tate was arrested, his CIA ties through his father and the CIA black site interrogation centers in the same place Andrew Tate got arrested. Romania!

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