Red Panda look like plush toys

2 years ago

Red Panda look like plush toys

Ever wondered 'What is the world's cutest animal?' We think it is definitely the Red Panda.

Despite their name, they are not at all related to the Giant Panda.

Like giant pandas, red pandas are bamboo-eating species native to the high forests of Asia.

While the two share a name and favorite food, they’re not closely related. Red pandas were actually scientifically classified a good 50 years before giant pandas. Recent research has placed red pandas in their own taxonomic family, Ailuridae, while giant pandas belong to the Ursidae, or bear family.

That makes red pandas the only “true” panda. The term "panda" is believed to be derived from the Nepalese words "nigalya ponya" which translates to "bamboo eater."

Red Pandas are classified as endangered, despite now being legally protected in India, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Myanmar, they are still subject to poaching for the illegal fur trade, and the significant loss of habitat that has occurred over the past few decades has show a decline in numbers by an estimated 40%.

It is believed that fewer than 10,000 of these magnificent animals remain in the wild today.

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