Open Borders and Weaponized Mass Migration: Fuel for Globalism

2 years ago

The Deep State is using open borders and weaponized mass migration to overrun the United States and the Western world to advance its one-world agenda, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Right now, millions of illegal immigrants are crossing the border, and are being given papers and released into the United States by the Biden administration. This has been a boon for cartels and human traffickers. And incredibly, numerous Republicans are plotting with Democrats to provide amnesty to these tens of millions of illegal immigrants, turning them into Democrat voters and making America a one-party state, just like happened to California after previous amnesties. Wars started by globalists destroyed many of the nations these migrants are fleeing from, but the mass migration encouraged by globalist predators is not humanitarian. Neither is the "we need workers" pretext supported by evidence and facts. The goal, as UN officials have explained, is ending nations and national sovereignty.

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