Children's Indoctrination Camps - Branham Cult Secrets

2 years ago

In 1922, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler launched the Hitler Youth, an organization of the Nazi Party in Germany with the sole purpose of indoctrinating children into his horrific ideologies. By 1926 it had proved so successful that it was officially named and weaponized on a large scale. From 1936 to 1945, it was the sole official boys' youth organization in Germany and began transitioning to a paramilitary organization. The organization ceased to exist when Germany surrendered in 1945, but the entire world was aware of how successful that operation had become.

In the 1940s, white supremacists in the United States began replicating this strategy. Branham’s mentor, Roy E. Davis, and former Klan leader and Congressman William D. Upshaw organized the Ussher-Davis children’s orphanage and school. Only a few years before Davis sent Upshaw to pretend to be a wheelchair invalid in Branham’s healing revivals, Upshaw was head of the “Department of Americanism”, suggesting that he himself was in charge of the indoctrination.

The Sharon Orphanage — the epicenter of the Latter Rain Revival and Movement — did the same at almost precisely the same time. Aimee Semple McPherson and the Angelus Temple funded the orphanage, where children were indoctrinated with the Christian Identity Doctrine of Angelus Temple student Wesley A. Swift. It was the doctrine from which William Branham based his “Serpent’s Seed” doctrine to fuel the anti-Civil-Rights fires in the 1950s and 1960s.

Today, Children are indoctrinated with Branham’s (or technically Swift’s) Serpent’s Seed Doctrine at the Still Waters Children’s Indoctrination Camp. According to many parents who have escaped Branham’s cult of personality, children are told to isolate and listen to Branham’s hate speech recordings, many of which contain the agendas of Roy Davis, William Upshaw, Wesley Swift, and others.

You can learn this and more on

Still Waters Camp:

Ussher-Davis Orphanage:

Sharon Orphanage:

Serpent’s Seed:

Wesley A. Swift:

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