Agents of the Narcissist The Flying Monkey

2 years ago

In this video Darren Magee discusses agents of the narcissist aka Flying Monkeys. These are people narcissists recruit to carry out and continue their smear campaign, the controlling behaviour on their behalf.
So why do narcissists recruit others to do their work for them?
- A way of perpetuating the mistreatment, spread rumours, destroy victims reputations.

Different styles - individual, gossip, mobbing, triangulation, stalking, feed information between

Different types of Flying Monkey

1. Naive / fawning - believe whatever their told, try to help
2. Toxic - rumour spreading, victim shaming and blaming, focuses on the victims reactions
3. Invalidator - ignores the victim, blames them for being a victim
4. Cowardly - obeys out of fear of wrath turned towards themselves
5. Trauma bonded / Co-dependant - supports and apologises, worships

Dealing with Agents of the Narcissist

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