Celebrate the Lord (Holidays and Holy Days) Part 2 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

1 year ago

Sunday Afternoon Preaching on the Holiday Celebrations - Part 2 of 2
Jan 01 2023

Celebrate the Lord
Holidays and Holy Days
Isaiah 38, Lev. 23

Obj: that the brethren may Celebrate correctly the right Person and Occasions

Define: holy day, holiday
What constitutes worldly, contemporary celebrations, what is right and wrong
- Notice Resemblance and Original source – copycats

Characteristics of Worthy/Worthwhile Celebrations: (contrast the worldly)
1. It Recognize the Lord as All Powerful
a. He holds our life/death/health in His hands – vv. 1-3, 5, 10-16
b. He can protect/deliver – vv.6, 17, 20
2. Well Documented – v.9 – writing
3. Praise Correctly Done
a. By the Saved – living – vv. 18, 19
b. Actually Done, not just lip service – v. 19 – “as I do”
c. In Truth – vv. 3, 18, 19
d. Songs – important form of praise and worship – v.20
e. Continuing – vv. 20 – ‘all the days of our life’
4. It is Confirmed by the Lord
a. with Signs and Wonders – vv. 7-8, 22 – xref. 2Kings 20
5. Miraculous and yet practical – v. 21 – knowledge of healing from the Lord


Let us Celebrate correctly the right Person and Occasions.
Celebrate the Lord, to Him be all the Praise!

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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