Pin Press Lockouts High Pin Press

2 years ago

Set the pins at a height so when you are benching the bar, the bar only moves a few inches to lockout. Slide yourself under the bar, plant your feet on the ground and take a grip wider than shoulder width.

Keep the chest sticking out and try to grab the bench with your shoulder blades. Before pressing the bar, brace your core, squeeze your back muscles and get as tight as possible. Press the bar to the lockout position prioritizing use of the triceps. Imagine you are pushing your body away from the bar and not the bar away from you and that you are spreading the bar apart.. This will keep your bench tight and avoid energy leaks. After each rep, lower the bar until it is completely rested on the pins. Rebrace and reestablish tension before each rep is performed.

Trainer Tips: Whenever you are pin pressing, make sure you don’t bounce the weight off of the pins. Let’s say the program says to do a set of 8, treat that set as 8 singles with enough time resting the bar on the rack in order to kill or dampen the stretch reflex working on starting strength and the rate of force productions.

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