2 years ago

Calvary Melbourne, Australia is also on Brighteon.com. https://www.brighteon.com/channels/inhisservice

Pastor Andrew Russell preaches on James 4:7-10. God gives help to the humble. So, the readers should be humble and come to him. That is to recognise God as the Lord and Master of their lives. They should give the control of their lives to him. As they give themselves to serve God, he makes them able to fight and defeat the evil one. Then James tells them to oppose the devil. These two actions are two sides of the same thing. They must turn to God and they must turn against the devil. The devil knows that his only hope is to draw Christians away from their trust in God. The cause of their failure is often that they are proud. The devil appeals to that. As strong as the devil may be, humble Christians can defeat him. As they say ‘no’ to his temptations he has to go away from them.

Please visit our website: http://www.calvarymelbourne.com.au

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