Romans 9 Answers Why Evil Exists - Ep.171 - What About Evil?-God's Redemptive Glory In Scripture-Pt2

2 years ago

The promised chapter on how Romans 9 answers why evil exists is here! Continuing from our look at the Old Testament we look at Paul's answer to why there exists evil and how God uses it for His glory.

We are unable to divorce ourselves from the Old Testament and Paul engages with a question of what is God's purpose in choosing some and not others especially if some not chosen are not the "chosen people of God". We actually do see God's chosen people but they are made up of both Jew & Gentile. But is there something special about those God chosen for salvation and/or something badly special about those God doesn't choose. Romans 9 says that the exact answer of why evil exists. For God's redemptive glory as seen in Scripture.

00:00 - Introduction
01:38 - Romans 9, The Exodus, & God's Purpose For Evil
06:38 - The Right Response To "Why, God?"
09:12 - The Purpose Of The Plagues Glorifies God
12:48 - The Exodus Glorifies God Even More Because Of Evil
14:57 - God's Grace Should Make Us Ask, "Why Us?"
16:17 - Romans 9, The Red Sea, & God's Purpose For Evil
18:00 - Evil Shows Us God's Justice & His Mercy
21:46 - God Discriminates In His Love
23:28 - Why Doesn't God Save Everyone?
27:56 - Why Isn't There Universal Atonement?
32:20 - Romans 9 Short Summary
33:29 - Redemptive Glory In John's Gospel
34:05 - Glory In Blindness
38:53 - Glory In Raising The Dead
42:21 - Death Is Permanent...Right?
43:19 - Glory In The Cross
46:37 - Conclusion

A great walkthrough of Romans 9 occurs in a debate Dr. James White did and I would recommend watching that for more of a walkthrough with questions one might have dealing with it more fully -

What About Evil? A Defense of God's Sovereign Glory by Scott Christensen
Kindle -
Hardcover -
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