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15 seconds

15 seconds

Single Leg Hip Thrusts

2 years ago

Start with your body perpendicular to a bench with your shoulder blades resting on the bench and your arms relaxed. You do not need your elbows to keep you on the bench. With your toes off the ground, start with both knees bent at a 90° angle and push through one heel while bringing the other leg to the ceiling maintaining the same 90° bend. Make sure you are pushing through the heel until your shoulders, hips, and knee are in a straight line with full hip extension. Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can at the top before returning back to the position with both feet on the ground.

Trainer Tips: Your heels should be close enough to your body so that at the top of your reps your knee makes a 90° bend with the knee directly above the ankle. The farther your heel is away from you the more hamstrings you will hit. If you bring your heel too close to your butt you will use more quads.