Tuesdays With Dr. Dori: Connecting the Dots | “Clean Slate” #1 Best Rated Zeolite, Clayton Thomas

2 years ago

Join Dr. Dori and Root founder, Clayton Thomas, while they connect the dots with Root Clean Slate: What it is, Why we need it, How to take it, and What to expect.

-ROOT website: https://therootbrands.com

FOLLOW - Dr. Christina Rahm (Creator)
-Facebook: hhttps://www.facebook.com/Christina.Rahm.Cook
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FOLLOW - ROOT's Instagram
-ROOT instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therootbran...

Medical disclaimer 00:18
Meet Dr. Dori Naerbo and Root Founder, Clayton Thomas 00:54
What is clean slate? 04:43
What is Zero-In? 06:18
Why do we need Clean Slate? 06:49
Intro: Born Toxicicity 06:52
Heavy Metals Are Everywhere 10:23
"Air Pollution " 14:14
Harmful effects of glyphosate and fluoride 14:21
cellular renewal-timeline 23:07
How to take clean slate 28:53
what to expect after taking clean slate? 29:26
ROOT Comparison & outcomes 34:26
ROOT'S clean slate / zero-in and heart rate variability 44:01
ROOT'S clean slate / zero-in: effects on stress index and vitality 49:47
ROOT'S clean slate / zero-in and Neurodynamic matrix 51:18
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 52:07
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on psoriasis 00:52:29
Testimonials: Zero-in & Clean slate's effects on ADHD 52:42
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on Gadolinium poisoning 52:51
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 52:54
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on chronic fatigue syndrome 52:59
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on anxiety & depression 53:00
Testimonials: Clean slate's effects on fibromyalgia & arthritis 53:03
Testimonials: Zero-in & Clean slate's effects on weight loss & diabetes 53:10
Case Studies 53:26

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