Band Assisted Bar Muscleup

1 year ago

Loop a long loop aka pullup band through a pullup bar and step in the band so the band is near the center of each foot. The thicker the band is the more assistance you will get. Grab the bar with the palms facing away from you and start your first muscleup by doing a small jump and shooting the feet out down low and in front of you. Time the reversal of this motion and perform and explosive pullup where you are trying to bring your waste to the bar. Bend the hips slightly to curl the body around the bar while you flip the elbows over the bar and then perform a straight bar dip to lock your arms out at the top of the muscle. Carry this momentum through, lower yourself again making sure to kick the feet down and in front before repeating these for repetitions. Throughout the entire motion imagine you are moving in a “C” shape and don’t try to move in a straight line as this is an extremely advanced version that requires insane wrist, shoulder, and core strength.

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