Band Assisted Sphinx Pushups

2 years ago

Loop a long-loop resistance band around a pullup bar above you. Climb through the band so that it is on your hip bones – or under your chest if you prefer that way. The thicker the band is the more assistance it will give you. Start with your feet shoulder width apart (it will be more difficult with the feet together). Start in a pushup position with your fingertips wide, hands about shoulder width apart, with your hands in line with your eyes or forehead as opposed to being under your shoulders. Keep your whole body tight and slowly lower yourself down to the ground by bending your elbows and keeping your elbows in tight until they rest completely on the ground. Push off your hands and wrists and flex your triceps to straighten your arms out and return back to the high plank or pushup position.

Trainer Tips:

The wider your arms are the more chest you will use and less triceps you will use. I recommend doing these at multiple different widths. Really close together will be very hard on the elbows but is great for advanced athletes. It is normal to feel pressure here. If you feel pain either use more band assistance or put your arms out slightly wider.

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