Band Assisted Pushup Mid Range 90° Isometrics

1 year ago

Loop a long-loop resistance band around a pullup bar above you. Climb through the band so that it is on your hip bones – or under your chest if you prefer that way. The thicker the band is the more assistance it will give you. Start with your feet shoulder width apart (it will be more difficult with the feet together). Start in a pushup position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your legs and core engaged. Spread your fingers and squeeze your fingertips into the ground. Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your elbow bend is at or around 90°. Maintain total body tension and hold this position for the allotted time or until failure. It is very common for people to be weak at this portion of the pushup, so spending more time under tension at this sticking point will help build the weak portion of your pushup. When you fail or are done, just drop the ground and don’t waste your effort on the eccentric.

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