The leaven will take over (The Leaven Matthew 13:33-34)

2 years ago

The leaven will take over (The Leaven Matthew 13:33-34)

What happens if you let your bread rise too long with activated yeast in it? If you leave your dough out to rise too long, it will continue to expand to the point to where the gasses created by the leavening process can no longer be contained by the dough and it will deflate or collapse. Essentially it is like putting too much air in a balloon, it can only hold so much and then it will pop from the pressure. The Kingdom of Heaven is not like a bowl of dough setting on your stove or countertop overnight, there is not chance of it reaching compacity and imploding upon itself. In fact, the master baker (God) is watching the dough very cautiously and knows exactly the time that it is ready and completely leavened. God has already ordained the very hour and minute in history when it is the proper time to let the dough stop risings as we see in Matthew 24:36: But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father. This is the answer that Jesus gave His disciples when they asked when the things of this age would be fulfilled, and Jesus would overthrow the government of this world.

There will come a time in what I believe will be the not-so-distant future when God will say that the bread has leavened enough, and it is time for His Kingdom to reign supreme. The Bible says clearly that this will catch many off guard as many will feel that it is not going to occur saying, “Where is the promise of His coming.” (2 Peter 3:4) At this point it will be too late for many as the line will be drawn in the sand and you are either on the side of God or an enemy of God. The enemies of God will be judged, condemned, and then cast into an eternal place of punishment and suffering because they refused to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. While the bread is still rising there is hope for everyone but when God says it is time for the end then all hope is lost for those who have arrogantly ignored the beckoning of God to join His Kingdom. God’s Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven will reign supreme on this earth and throughout the universe and knowing that the time and date of its beginning has already been ordained by God Himself, should make us all carefully examine the condition of our heart and our eternal security.

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