How to Become the Master of Your Fear: Real Ways to Give Yourself a Mindset Shift

1 year ago

Having the right mindset can transform your life into the one you’ve always dreamed of.

We’ve invited Transformational Speaker Peter Kolat to share valuable insights on the importance of shifting your mindset so that you can direct your life to where you want it to go.

A Polish man who moved to the US when he was only 14, Peter has an architecture degree as well as a heart to help other people find freedom and success.

He started a company to help real estate investors and agents market on the internet.

Don’t Forget To Reach Out To Peter Kolat:

Instagram: @polishpeterofficial

Quotes -
“It’s such a good lesson to agents and investors. I mean you can go out of state. You can go far away. But sometimes the best deals are literally off across the street.”

“I don’t think anyone of us can predict what might actually happen [in the market]. And that’s the “unknown” that a lot of the people are dealing with.”

“When there’s blood in the street, that’s when you go and take action. That’s when you go and make money. That saying is easier said than done for people.”

"Start creating relationships with people who are private lenders, hard money lenders, however it may be. So that when opportunities come, you can pull the trigger on that."

“The person that I am today is not the same person that experienced 2008. The “unknown” of what may or may not happen doesn’t scare me.”

“Ask yourself questions like, Why are you doing all of this? What’s the end goal? 90% of people will say because I want to have freedom in my life. What does that look like?... The end result of what they’re going after is life.”

“I think one of the reasons why divorce happens is because of a lack of communication–lack of clarity in communication.”

“One reason why fear comes up for people is that their mind goes way ahead into the future, and they are afraid of what their brain imagines…”

“When you carve out the right plan, the future is no longer a place of fear. It’s a place of joy, once you carve out your endeavors.”

“If you keep things simple, that’s when you start to keep things running.”

Concepts -
Use your challenges to figure yourself out better. Because during these hardships, you’ll be able to learn the most about yourself.
No one can really know what will happen to the market. However, you must be mindful of the signs and how others react to any changes that’s arising.
Relationships are huge when you want to survive market crashes or take opportunities to improve your business.
Letting your fear get the best of you can lead to a collapse in your life. And so, you must stay vigilant and take control back into your own hands.
Defining the life you want to have and being sure of it allows you to reach your vision. Be clear with what you want so that you can devise a plan for it.
Communication is important to keep your relationship afloat.
Men should set an example in their households. That’s what leadership is.
Discover the root of your fear. Is it the past experiences you have or is it the future you’re imagining?
One way to get over your fear is to only think of what’s in front of you or the next step you’ll take.
Identify and work on a business model that plays on your strengths, skillsets, and interest.

Time Stamps -
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Coaching a lady in Wisconsin
3:10 Peter Kolat’s origin and journey so far
5:00 Bouncing back from a low place
6:30 Analysis of the 2008 market–what to prepare for?
9:00 Learning from experience–don’t let fear get the best of you
10:10 Mindset strategies that work
12:30 Being clear with the life you want for yourself
14:10 How do couples maintain a good relationship? Role of the man in the household
16:30 How to overcome fear in your life
18:30 Discovering where your fear comes from
19:30 Take it one step at a time
22:03 Key elements to creating plans
24:00 Reverse engineering a plan for a student’s life
25:00 Coaches only help students figure out things
27:00 Balancing your business model
28:30 Figuring out your “why”
30:45 How to find your “genius zone”
33:00 Creating a complementary partnership
35:00 Moving towards your passion and untapped genius
38:00 Who should I listen to? One business or more businesses?
41:08 Advice for people who are high Cs or Ds
44:00 Defining the steps you need to take
45:55 What does freedom look like for you?
47:14 Vision for the next 12 months–releasing a book to help people

Sources Mentioned -
Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
6 Human Needs Test
DISC Profile Test

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How to Become the Master of Your Fear

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