Episode 97 BII from Down Under

2 years ago

In this episode, we talk about BII with a fellow podcaster, the host of Could it BII, Bianca ♥️

We’ve heard from babes in Canada and the US & we were more than grateful that Bianca joined us all the way from Adelaide, Australia 🇦🇺

This beauty has been sharing her explant journey on her own show and bringing awareness and honesty through the whole process. It really blows our minds that this illness is worldwide and still not as talked about as one would think.

We cannot thank our guests enough for sharing so other babes in the world can have informed consent since it seems to be lacking. It seems to the last thing thought of and more often than not, those who have explanted found out about BII randomly.

Shouldn’t that be a question when figuring out what’s wrong with a patient? Why do we hear people learning about this by Facebook or YouTube?! Should be from the providers at least and your doctor at most.

All we can do is keep talking about it. Keep sharing and bringing it into awareness so no woman has to suffer from without answers. We cannot say what the issues truly are for everyone as DUH we aren’t medical Professionals but we can share experiences in hopes to help others have more knowledge on their healing journeys 🫶🏻

Join B & Bianca in this amazing epsiode! Fifth show on BII, we can’t stop wont stop until everyone feels heard.

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